School Break Days
Somethings i did during the break was mostly babysit my little sister. I workout a little bit while on break. I went to my aunt's house a couple of times during the break for Christmas, and other occasions. Did not meet anybody new during the break. I watched assassin's creed at the theatres, at home i watched rise of the guardians, tarzan, the lion king, Star wars a new hope, the empire strikes back, return of the jedi, the phantom menace, the force awakens, Ant man, trolls, with my sister. I also re watched some shows i like such as The walking dead, The flash, arrow, legends of tomorrow. I also started watching agents of shield.I also watched some football on sundays and some playoff games. I had no CTR experiences during this break. I read one book and it is called Inheritancde by Christopher paolini. I had no homework during this break at all.

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