Gordon B. Hinckley
1) Be Grateful
To be grateful is to mean that you are happy with what you have in your life. Most of us don't appreciate who or what we have. We can be grateful by having a family who cares about you, the people that also care about you, and by appreciating the things such as food or clothes and roof over your head. One example of being grateful is when someone gives you a gift or a present for your birthday or any other occasion in your life and you are grateful the you have someone who cares about you and you'll appreciate the gift that as given to you. Some people are not grateful because they feel like they are not important even if they have a lot of things that were given to them they are not grateful that they have clothes or food on the table. That's why we must be grateful for what we have in life. The most important that you need to be grateful for is being alive because most people don't live to see another day and they took life for granted, so you must be grateful that you are healthy and well and that you are able to see the people that care about you. Lastly, you must be grateful with your parents because they are the ones that care about you the most and work hard to try and give you the things you want and because there is no one that will fight for you the most.
"Let us be grateful to the people who makes us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom" Marcel Proust
I will apply this new way to my life by thanking everyone who has been there for me and has been able to help me during my dark times.
I will apply this way by being more smart about the choices I make everyday2) Be Smart
To say to be smart you have to know what you want or have to do. Sometimes you have to choose what you want to and the outcome will affect your life. By being smart you can choose the right path or the wrong path, most will choose the wrong side because they find it much easier. Every day we choose what we will do fro the day or in class. Some may choose to do work and keep up a good grade and some will choose not to do work and fall behind and will eventually fail. These choices are good and bad. A good choice is doing work and a bad choice is ignore the work that was given to you. Another example is when you are doing a test, some may choose to study and do their best and others will choose to cheat. It all comes down to you being smart and choosing the right decision that will have a much better impact in your life and with no consequences. Being smart about your options can have a great reward when you work hard and choose to not cheat. we have to smart about our choices that we have everyday so we can live a more suitable life.
"I'm not smart, but I like to observe. Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton was the one who asked why." William Hazlitt

3) Be Involved in Good Works
By saying that being involved in works means that you should do things that will make you a better person than you are now. It will also develop new or improve you skills so they can be of use in the future. You can volunteer at an animal shelter, maybe in a hospital/clinic facility. You will also meet new people that can help you be a better person. Be more helpful by going to the library and tutor kids on homework or projects. You can also be helpful at school helping teachers. Another way to be involved in good works is by joining a sport, maybe soccer, football, basketball, cross-country, water polo, cheerleading, color guard, etc. This can also help you improve and develop new skills and with hard work your future will be bright. Also by being involved in good works you'll be able to stay away from gangs and bad influences that might be around you and affect you. It might be hard at first but with dedication and commitment you'll be able to do good in your school and around your community and you'll also others to do the same.
"I believe that working with good people matters because then the work environment is good. If there is a sense of respect and belief among the people you work with, that is when good work is done"

I will apply this to my life by being involved in more good things that will benefit me in the future.
4) Be Clean
To say to be clean is to be clean in your conscience that you have not done any wrong. It means that you are always doing good to yourself and to others by helping them or giving good advice. It also means that you should keep your body clean as in not doing any types of drugs than can harm your body. Both of these type of clean can lead to a happy and healthy life and you'll also be able to be a role model to others who may also have a problem staying clean. Always tell the truth when you have done wrong or your conscience will keep you from ever telling the truth. Lies will keep on building and there won't be any escape until you have come clean. It also has to do with your hygiene it should also take care of that. Having good hygiene can also have a good impact for you when you apply for a job. The employer will see that you are a neat person might hire you. Also keeping a good record as in grades wise. If you have a bad grade that could also be consider a s "dirty" report card. And another way to have a clean conscience is by never cheating on homework or in test because you will feel guilty later on.
"I revise obsessively. It's important to me to have a clean page" Wentworth Miller
I will apply this to my daily life by not being a liar, or cheating on anything such as school work or tests.
5) Be True
By saying to be true it means to be committed to something like a sport. If you are playing a sport you should be true to it and don't miss practices or let down your teammates. Also be true to your school work and always finish assignments. And don't procrastinate on any homework that is assigned to you. Also be true to your friends and family because they are the ones who support and help you through tough times. And most importantly stay true to yourself. By that it means that you should never lie to anyone or yourself. Also by not getting in trouble or doing things that could harm you or someone else. Make sure that you are always responsible for your actions and accept the consequences. If do right then you will have a good life and will be able to overcome any obstacles that come your way. Make sure that you don't cheat in test or anything else that requires hard work.
"Be true to yourself, help others, make each day your masterpiece, make friendship a fine art, drink deeply from good books - especially the Bible, build a shelter against a rainy day, give thanks for your blessings and pray for guidance every day." John Wooden

I will apply this to my life by not doing anything that will harm me or anyone else.
6) Be Positive
To say to be positive is to see everything in a good way even if things go bad. If you do this you will see the world in a different perspective and enjoy life if you see everything in a positive way. Most people will see everything in a negative way and say that things never work out or that nothing good will ever happen because they don't see life in a positive way. An example can be that if you are waiting for a letter form a college or a university and you are being all positive and thinking that you will be accepted. But if the letter arrives and says that you have been denied the entrance you might react in a negative way saying that life is not fair. Or you can look it at in a positive way by saying that you will try again next year and re-apply. Most of the time a good positive behavior can bring good things in life if you are patient and strive to achieve you goals. It's all about perspective and how you look at things that come your way.
" In order to carry a positive action we must develop a positive vision" Dalai Lama
I will apply this to my life by acting more positive every day despite of the outcome of things.
7) Be Humble
To say to be humble means to be nice and caring towards others you meet. It also means to show that the other person matters and that their ideas and perspective matter. It can also be modest to people and they will show it back to you. You also have a good attitude towards the things you do and you will prosper. It also means that you don't care about your own pride and rather keep you dignity when things go wrong, To be the hardest worker in your class or at work and be respectful towards you classmates/co-workers. To help others when they are struggling with work or their own problems. Having compassion and not let anything or anyone bring you down because of their attitude. And not be overbearing showing that you are better than others. You have to be submissive at times to show humility.
" Success is not a good teacher, failure makes you humble." Shah Rukh Khan
I will apply this to my life by showing humility to others and the ones i meet.
"There they are, nine Be's which, if observed, will being handsome dividends to any young man or woman. The will add sparkle to your days and peace to your nights. They will save you from heartache and pain. They will bring purpose into your life and give direction to your energies.
8)Be Still
To be still it means to take some time for yourself and enjoy being alone for a while. It can also mean to isolate yourself from everyone and reflect on your life on how you have lived it so far. It also means that you should not rush into things that you want to happen and let life do its thing. There is no need to make things go faster and just enjoy life in the moment. Don't take things so seriously and let your problems take care of themselves that here is no need to stress more about things that are not there to disturb you. Don't let people's negativity bring you down and let them say whatever they want because they will not break you and you will have peace within yourself. When you have troubles don't make it a big deal and try to restore your peace with a calm way so you won't make things worse than they already are.
"In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you" Deepak Chopra

I will apply this to my life by not overthinking about my problems and enjoy life.
9) Be Prayerful
Final Reflection
After all the 9 ways to be happy post I have come to the realization that there needs to be a quite of few changes in my life. First by being grateful for all I have and have been given, being smart about the choices I make. Alos by being involved in good works to help others be better. By staying clean also and staying away from things that could harm me like drugs or alcohol. To always be positive on the things I do and be positive on the outcomes I get whether it be good or bad. To also be humble and showing others how to do something and being patient with them. Additionally being still when there is chaos around me and not letting it bring me down. And the last being Prayerful which means that I will have hope that everything in my life will work out sooner or later no matter how tough the situation is.